Our Sacred Acres - Home of the Office Mystic and other Misfits

Tuesday, November 03, 2015

Off the Top of my Head: Wigging Out About TEN

When I created this blog on 3/7/11 the purpose was for my own intentional spell-crafting and to catalogue all the inspired writings that were accumulating with all my notebooks, reflections, art and altars.

Hence the description:

From the depths of journals, notebooks, handheld devices, recording instruments and crumpled scraps of envelopes.. past writings are filtered through my present state of mind to envision, create and evolve into the future.

It was becoming clear to me that messages I was getting and writing down.. were for another me.. the me who would find them later when they were needed.  My notebooks were becoming like a personal tarot deck, some would disappear, other old ones would reappear.. and fall open to a page with the words..  the incantations.. the magic ready to unfold this story and reveal ever more.  Often I would have no idea when I wrote those pages, what the words even meant to me.

The sands of time seem to flow both ways, 
as an hour glass in slow yet perpetual spin.

Spore Report from Magenta on our Retreat
We held a Wizard Congress here at Our Sacred Acres (OSA) this past September (2015) - a retreat for The Evolver Network (TEN) wisdom council and sporeganizer leadership.

OSA has been the testing ground for the TEN Spore Print, a map of tools and processes for the evolution of a community from Imaginal Cell through Portal Spore.

I'll be able to go into a lot more of what that actually means a little later.  Like, once we establish our NEW NAME, to complete the separation from Evolver, LLC, rebrand our spore network, and launch the Spore Print tool and tech platform...  yay!!!  SO excited for this.

For now..  it's time to jump in the way back forward machine.  I'm about to begin releasing some raw footage of myself speaking on a variety of village building/cohabitation themes.. some video, some audio, some photos of notebooks, whiteboards, butcher paper etc. like those you see here in this blog.

Starting....  NOW!
It's really challenging to watch myself speak, I really didn't think I'd ever share these.  Interestingly though, when I close my eyes, I hear spirit speaking through me, to me, saying, you, me..  who, me?

I've had TEN on my mind alot lately so I was not surprised when my journey into the archives opened with this recording from DreamGeneration, the TCN Seed Gathering hosted here at OSA to land our Sound Convergence / Salish Sea Tribe in September 2014.

DreamGeneration formed the partnership between DreamDance, the community in our Salish Sea region of Cascadia, and Our Sacred Acres, the community impact and outreach center in our secluded forest sanctuary. It is now evolving onward through a membership platform that will connect many networks, organizations, and individuals including all my relations of so many circles within circles.

When I first got involved with Evolver it was in a Synchronicity project.  Then I dove into sporeganizing, first launching Evolver Everett while I had my studio at 3231 Creatives, which is now defunct, then bringing it back to OSA and bridging it back to Seattle/Puget Sound through DreamDance,

It's a beautiful thing to look back at my Sporeganizer application and the dream I cast into the collective consciousness.  Look how far we have come toward manifesting it in Cascadia!

Why do you want to start up an Evolver Spore in your area?

To form connections between individual members of the Evolver community and local organizations; facilitating opportunities to share knowledge, exchange skills, raise awareness, and increase participation in events for all organizations involved.

What are you passionate about?
I am passionate about personal growth, unlearning, and healthy contact – particularly intergenerational relationships that broaden understanding and awareness of human nature and the interconnectedness of mind/body/spirit.

Touching people in a way that expands their perspective, opens their hearts and minds to new thought processes and activates transformation is personal and powerful for all parties involved.  I am deeply committed to creating the environment and spaces in which these ideals and the individuals who seek them may flourish.

It’s the year 2020 and your Evolver regional has been very successful over the last ten years.  In a paragraph, please describe what your community now looks like thanks to the fabulous work of your regional.
Lasting relationships forged through the years have evolved our seasonal gatherings into thriving festivals that celebrate our connections to each other and Nature through musical and theatrical performances, story-telling circles and rituals to celebrate the crossing of life thresholds for individuals.

Individuals who have been supported and encouraged by the community and have found their way into the flow using their gifts are now successfully supporting themselves as entrepreneurs, authors and artisans, bringing their functional and practical offerings to the monthly market & exchange.  With the community-based currency catching on, new attendees are finding their way to us each month and  driving us closer to our recently developed goals for keeping energy expenditures low and local.

The permanent home for our Node is re-opened with expanded camping facilities and residential yurts for rotating staff, and the menu of classes and workshops for learners of all ages is well-defined and attended.  Guest presenters are well-accommodated and look forward to sharing their knowledge and skills with our community due to the engaging format that allows them to be both teacher and learner.  Private questing retreats are booked a year in advance!  J

1 comment:

TigerLily said...

Wow! Nice many-festing! Thank you for all your visions, co-dreations and hard work toward common-unity! Much love to you sis-star.