Meet Oestre.. the mama tree of OSA, at center.
She's been standing at the top of this ridge for who knows how long.. I'm not sure how to date a tree, and I can only repeat what I've been told about this place which is that it was one of the very early old growth harvests in the county, so the stumps such as that handsome fella in the foreground have been feeding the forest floor for around 100 years.
Oestre was probably just a li'l sapling at the time, there's another nearly gone OG (old growth) stump to her left and it's clear there was one big mama there before HER time.. it's a fine cedar lineage here on this ridge above Panther Creek.

Don't Just Bring Your Camera -
Bring Your Photographer!
You want to be IN these images.. the trees and dappling sunlight love to dance with you and they've already struck a pose. An acro-yogi's dream and aerialist's delight, the graceful cedar curves and cushy forest carpet await your bare foot climbing, with secrets to whisper in your soles.
Of which we have.. FOUR. Two of which have opposable thumbs!! So put down the computer, the phone, the camera, the bags, and step out of your shoes.. because you know the first thing that happens after that?
You start to pay.. attention.

Sunshine and Shadow
Work and Play
Mountain and Valley
Night and Day
the soil underfoot craves
your springy step, please!
your springy step, please!
the ferns and the moss,
the needles and leaves
the needles and leaves
are waving and dancing
on pine-scented breeze.
on pine-scented breeze.
Dani Belle and Karen Joy practice Qi Gong with Trees
on Our Sacred Earth Gym.
Karen Fletcher offers Earth Gym Training at Green Lake

And sometimes
with both
Dani Belle
Karen Joy,
or all THREE of us!!
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