Our Sacred Acres - Home of the Office Mystic and other Misfits

Thursday, December 13, 2012

hushhhh... {{out side}}

Dani(B)elle, St.Ella and the OMFG

There's a place I go, when the walls close in..

                      {{out side}}

                There's a place I go, wiggle my toes in..

                                            {{out side}}

                                     There's a place I go, nakedly pose in..

                                                                   {{out side}}

                                                    There's a place I go, sleepily doze in..

                                                                                         {{out side}}

                                                                    To the ground below, I pour my woes in..

                                                                                         {{out side}}

                                                  From the waters edge, emotion flows in..

                                                                   {{out side}}

                                    On the windy ledge, excitement blows in..

                                            {{out side}}

                   Out of fiery coals, a new me grows in..

                      {{out side}}

                                                  At my center, peace; I have chosen..

                                                                  {{out side}}

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