On a plane right now
over the ocean, headed for Dallas where I'll figure out how to move gracefully
through customs and then head on through to Seattle.
A party is waiting for me there, and my family and friends, my home and kitty cats and the river, trees, and energies of the place that I steward in Snohomish, Washington. Soon my vibration will shift again to that of the Pacific Northwest, of Our Sacred Acres (OSA), the home I've made there, and the Kin that are coming to celebrate what we've co-created through Mercury's Outpost:
A party is waiting for me there, and my family and friends, my home and kitty cats and the river, trees, and energies of the place that I steward in Snohomish, Washington. Soon my vibration will shift again to that of the Pacific Northwest, of Our Sacred Acres (OSA), the home I've made there, and the Kin that are coming to celebrate what we've co-created through Mercury's Outpost:

Listen to that little
voice inside, guiding your feet, your heart, your mind.
I can recall at
least three times that I stood over my bags to be checked, feeling like I was
forgetting something, missing something..
I didn't slow down, listen up.
I've lost plenty of metal going through airports in my days.. it's just,
it never meant that much to me before, I guess.
Just stuff, right? Ow... *sigh.
I am not excited at this moment of reflection and evolution. About going home, about the
projects, the places, the presents.. I
feel emptied and in tuning to that, I find clarity in it being the true gift
for me after all, from this trip to Guatemala.
To give all I have, to be received fully, to be grateful for the
experiences themselves, and to quit holding on to shit.
Let it go, I
said… without even knowing what I might
be asked to let go of.
be asked to let go of.
Stand up, look
Then scale that down, too..
My dreams had become
very lucid a few weeks into this trip, and I was doing a LOT of flying. Flying up over and around, checking in with
the dream state by holding my arms out in front of me, marveling at my hands, at
the freedom of movement; and, delighting in the awareness that while my body
was prone on a pile of blankets, arms folded under my chest on the second floor
of that mill.. here I was consciously
stretching them as if I could reach right through the wide wooden planks of
mill's second floor. I even visualized
my dream-body arms sticking out of the ceiling below, and that's when the mouse
revealed herself and I watched her scamper about for a bit in my dream.

In the twinkly
light-filled crevice of night sky between volcanic ridges that rose above the
lake, we saw a lot of shooting stars. I
remember so clearly the first one, I was having a conversation about being
super conscious with words.. that our breath carries our prayers and that I
work always at being aware what I bring into the world with the intentions that
ride into reality on those words.
Then a huge meteor
shot across the sky above Joe's head, and I shouted, "Holy CRAP!"
The irony was not
It was
multi-dimensional, too, what with the sanctity of sanitation that had become
thematic at Camp Nuevo Mundo. As the
images flashed of digging (and utilizing ;) ) the eco-toilet holes, of all our
holey socks and shoes, of holistic health practices and the holes in our bliss
bubbles, I saw so clearly that EVERYTHING really is holy.. I know what I know, I know what I don't know, I know it's everything and nothing all at once, I know shit is silly and shit is sacred and that the only thing you really NEED to know, is..
Everything, from the compost to the holes - the no-thing - is sacred.
So let's fall, together.. into the sacred-ness.Everything, from the compost to the holes - the no-thing - is sacred.
Well there you have
the first tale.. the other tale, is one of TWO mice.
One that is mine, and one that looks like mine, but is not mine.. because somehow I now, have two.
Dear Odysseyians... Is it yours?
Hold on to that key in a safe place!
~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~
I am super stoked to end this blog with a HUGE PLUG for what I am dreaming of how to get back together with my TCN and PNM Kin.. Here's where we practice, dream, plan, and do, and CELEBRATE <3
Hold on to that key in a safe place!
~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~
I am super stoked to end this blog with a HUGE PLUG for what I am dreaming of how to get back together with my TCN and PNM Kin.. Here's where we practice, dream, plan, and do, and CELEBRATE <3
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