Being OSA. That's my job.
Bringing people together intentionally,
to co-create a culture of integrity and connection, bridging worlds through shared experience in nature.
I haven't been wearing my fundraiser hat lately, because, I've been working at some other things, building collaborative relationships..
Building the dream I'm ready to live, with everyone who shares it.
And that is you, dearest one.
My family, friends, the entire web of relations that I encompass with the breadth of my love, my vision and experience forward and backwards and in all directions, and every ounce of energy I expend in this lifetime of lives well lived. I wholeheartedly give all that I am to all of you, because it's my joy to do so.
AND my job! As the Founder and Executive Director of this business, I put that hat on here this morning, and share a little story of what you are a part of by .. being OSA with me.
Will you choose to be part of the work at hand in the world and on this land, today, with me? There's a simple decision to make:
Do you want this to be a tax-deductible business contribution, or a gift?
For business receipted support to deliver OSA projects, click here:$OurSacredAcres
For a gift of loving support for volunteer organizing, click here:$Danibelle
A simple little click, no buttons, no fees, no delays and processing..
Just click the link and enter some numbers.. it's that easy.
In the coming hours, days, and weeks, I'll be sharing exactly how this gift makes it possible for OSA to exist and evolve into the future, who will be stewarding the process, and how. I will be telling the tales as they happen of how gift seeds planted in the soil here last year just need a bit of water right now to bloom into a full garden. Our fruits are materializing in the form of entrepreneurial and collaborative endeavors, launching together in mutual support for sustainability of people and place.
Do you want to hear how the story turns out? What lessons we learn, what beauty is created, how joyfully regenerative we will be together?
I can do this, knowing you are here with me.$Danibelle
This post is my way to make abundant that you can make YOUR presence in this dream known, to any degree possible with a financial contribution to the land that provides and guides our work.
Directly supporting the care and feeding of the trees, waters, land and all who have and will breathe the air here as we build the structures, containers, relationships of our interconnected village everywhere.
Our Sacred Acres is a non-profit project of 501(c)3 for-impact organization Empowerment WORKS, and you can sponsor projects directly, receiving the benefits of our many network alliances and partnerships. Check out all the 'ships' at our website..
Or just click here!$OurSacredAcres

There is so much to harvest from our collective experience.. so much to celebrate together, and patterns are clearly emerging that can be reflected upon and seen with our wiser eyes.. I'd love to continue mapping the culture- and place-making projects that are guiding communities into deeper relationships with themselves and the lands we inhabit.
This summer has been a work of art, a masterpiece of collaboration, and it has been entirely volunteer organized, facilitated, practiced, embodied.. for the entire year so far. We've been in service to the dream, and the outward manifestation of that has been visible and tangible, made material, in the events we've produced, the experiences we've shared, the connections made.

Let's keep building TOGETHER.
Stage 2 of OSA has been in the works this whole time.. and the councils, the boards, the partnerships and coalitions are engaged, drafting agreement fields, committing to one another and this home, this place, this business.

Will you help us take the very next step? To produce the contracts necessary for us to remain in existence and continue on our path of cocreation by stepping into business incubation and launching into the 'Do' phase of the Dream?
Small steps. And one step at a time.
Today I ask for 23 angels to step forward and say, I'm part of OSA.
14 angels donating $100 to the land fund through our nonprofit to cover operating expenses this month. These angels may either receive personally or delegate to a community scholarship recipient a nights stay at OSA in the space of their choice with a royal treatment experience for the day that must be redeemed in the month of October.
See spaces here, and email to reserve your date with OSA.
9 angels donating $50 to the organizer fund to directly support logistical costs of living on the ground right now. These angels receive a custom soundtrack of the music of OSA, songs that are an homage to nature, compiled and distributed in the month of October.
Forward your gift receipt to to reserve your limited release download.
click here:$Danibelle
PS. Here's a few before pictures of the physical transformations of the land and resources taking place here .. when the angels appear, when you are here, I'll share the after pictures :)
join me in telling the story:$Danibelle
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